Sharepoint Workflow Redirect To Url

Posted on  by  admin

- [Instructor] Redirect URL is a layout setting.…It defines where people go…after they hit the Save button or the Submit button.…Let's go and take a look at that.…If I go to Layout Settings…and I go to Advanced,…this is where we're able to redirect them.…If I do nothing, if I leave this blank,…when people hit Save and Submit, or they hit the Save button…then they're going to go back to the list.…I bring this up because I think it's important that--…This about if this was…a new employee orientation form,…for example,…and this was something where they had to go through…and they had to say, 'Okay,…'give us your emergency information,'…and then they also have three other forms…they're supposed to fill out.…


Wouldn't it be great if you could use this Redirect URL…to take them to the next form that they needed to fill out?…This is a great feature, because we may not want people…lingering in the list after they're done filling out a form.…You could also send them to a thank you page, for example.…Once again, that Redirect URL,…

Sharepoint Workflow Redirect To Url Free

Try altering (or appending) the Source= query string parameter to the link that starts your workflow. SharePoint is designed to 'return' to whatever URL value you place in this parameter. SharePoint is designed to 'return' to whatever URL value you place in this parameter.


Redirect Sharepoint Site

Sharepoint 2013 redirect after save

How To Redirect Sharepoint Site

  • Redirecting after Workflow Task page In SharePoint Designer, I created a workflow that contains multiple approval workflows. In the emails that are sent out by the approval workflows, a link is contained that sends the user to a URL that allows the user to approve, reject, etc.
  • Redirect to Friendly URLs in SharePoint. Once you’ve installed “IIS Redirect 2.0”, go into IIS (no reboot required), and find the target site: Enter URL Redirect through a double-click or right-click properties, and add a rule: I suggest a Canonical domain name rule: Simply choose the preferred URL to retain.
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